Tuesday, May 26, 2009

purposed to be a masterpiece

for Christmas last year (2008) my parents bought me the costly call books 1 & 2. as i read the amazing stories in the first one, i was in awe of how bold those people were. in the midst of horrifying events they boldly claimed the Truth of the Father. even if it meant their death or disconnection with their families. i remember talking to a friend about it once on a chick-fil-a date. i told her that i would hope i was that bold if i was ever placed in that that type of situation. she agreed. the stories amaze me.

i recently finished the first book and picked up the second one today to read the introduction. i was not planning on reading the first story today as i knew i had Chinese to learn. curiosity got the best of me and instead of grabbing the book i NEEDED to read, i grabbed the costly call book 2 instead.

the first story blew me away and i will forever be changed. seriously. it was the story of DeWei, a Chinese (how ironic?) man who knew and believed in the Truth. he was a successful business man with a wife and 12-year-old daughter. he "thought the world was in the palm of his hand" as everything seemed to be going his way. up until that point he had only heard of persecution of Believers from other people. then one day he was attacked after work by muslim men, and another day they threw bricks at him and his wife as they were leaving the mall. he then began hearing about churches being burnt down while people were inside. DeWei said the days and weeks that followed became increasingly violent until the worst came. a large group of muslim men broke into his house one night while his family was sleeping and attacked him, his wife, and his daughter. they beat his wife until she was unconscious. they broke both of his legs and knocked him unconscious but he woke up to the sound of screams only to see his baby girl being raped by each of the 12 men. he tried to get up but couldn't because of his broken legs. when the men noticed they knocked him out again only to wake up this time with a shattered chin and broken arms. he was helpless and had to lay in his own blood watching his precious daughter being molested and then beaten to death by the men. as the group of men left one sneered at DeWei asking him "where is your Savior now?" as the police came and took him and his wife to the hospital where they were for almost 3 months he found out he had 32 broken bones and 47 lacerations while his wife had 9 broken bones and 26 lacerations. DeWei was furious at the Father and questioned why He took his little girl. he went to counseling with his wife at their church to work through their pain, but he was still angry. it took a year for him to heal and forgive those men of what they did. he didn't fully heal until one Sunday morning when the Father clearly spoke to him through that mornings message.

it was simply titled "purposed to be a masterpiece" with ephesians 2:10 being the scripture verse. 2:10 states that Believers are the Father's masterpiece. as the message went on it was explained that all the famous painters in the world could create whatever they wanted on their canvas and use whatever colors they chose--whether they be bright reds, blues, oranges, and yellows, or browns, greys and black. the canvas has no say as to what colors are to be used. that is left up to the master artist. just like in that analogy, the Father (Master Craftsman) has the same right to choose what colors to paint into our lives to make us the masterpiece that He desires. there will be bright colors (the good times in life when things are going well). and there will be times when the Father will use dark colors in our lives (tragedies, sickness, and persecution). He does this in order that we might be His masterpieces, used to bring honor and glory to His Son.

DaWei was completely healed by the Father after hearing that message. after a while he went back to work, but another muslim man set fire to one of the rooms in his business. he decided to not press charges and refused to testify against him. after a year in prison the man came to DaWei telling him he was sorry and would repay him for the rest of his life. it was then and there that DaWei was able to share the Truth with him and lead him to believe. DaWei gave him a job at his hotel and instantly became good friends with the man, becoming "Uncle DaWei" to the man's daughters. something only the Father could do...a Chinese man uncle to a Javanese family. all doing it by painting dark colors on the canvas of his life.

so i know this is lengthy but to grasp what i grasped without having the real story in front of you, i had to give details. it brought a whole new meaning to how i viewed life. i'm not even sure i can explain it being that it is so late. but DaWei said it best..."Yahweh Himself does have the right to paint any color into my life that He wishes. i am not asking Him to paint dark colors in my life. however, i am telling Him that if He needs to put more dark colors on this canvas, He is free to do so. i just want Him to be pleased with this canvas. i truly want to be a masterpiece for my Father."

dang. i'm speechless. really. my deepest heart's desire is to be a masterpiece for my Father. going to China and experiencing EVERYTHING new is a part of what he is painting on my canvas. there will be bright colors as well as dark, but it will all be a part of His plan for the masterpiece He is creating.

for we are the Father's masterpiece. He has created us anew in His Son, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

1 comment:

  1. I needed that. I've been impacted by you, His masterpiece, today. Thank you.
